A collection of my stories and adventures while studying abroad in the wonderful country of my ancestors- Norway!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


"Church isn't where you meet. Church isn't a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let's not go to church, let's be the Church."  -Bridget Willard

Nothing to much has gone on. On Saturday morning we went to a flea market at the primary school. It was completely overwhelming. It was set up in a gym with 4 or 5 long tables just filled with different stuff- pile upon pile. And it was packed! I could barely move without bumping into someone and then I couldn't even say sorry if I did because I haven't learned it yet! So I got out of there pretty quickly. I ended up going back on Sunday afternoon,which was much better because there was not nearly as many people and I could actually look and even made a purchase- a cheese cutter! 

Here is a sample peak at the complete chaos of the flea market...

Instead of hiking to the lake Saturday afternoon (we got kinda lost) we ended up hiking around the farmland behind the university and ended up around by the churches. Here in Bø there are two Lutheran churches- Norway is a predominately Lutheran country. There is the Old Church, which is a stone church dedicated to St. Olaf build in 1180 C.E. in a Romantic style and is huge! The New Church replaced the Old Church in 1874 and is completely wooden. They were both beautiful. Surrounding them both were graveyards, which would up-kept so well they just added to the beauty. 
New Church 

 Old Church

Yesterday (Monday) I spent the morning grocery shopping. There are 6 or 7 grocery stores here in Bø, which are all pretty small and are only open from 8 till about 5 or 6 during the week and are completely closed on Sunday. Then after class we cooked some dinner and celebrated a friend's birthday by going to one of our Norwegian friend's houses and then out for wine night at "Den gode nabo" pub. 

Today it's pouring outside and so I think most of the day will be spent catching up on some reading and work for classes. Well, until later! Goodbye- love and miss you all!

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