A collection of my stories and adventures while studying abroad in the wonderful country of my ancestors- Norway!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Home for the Holidays

'Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.' - George Burns

Merry Christmas everyone! I’m spending the Christmas holidays with some of my distant relatives in a town called Skarnes, about an hour train ride outside of Oslo. I’ll be staying with Karsten (my mom’s second cousin- or something like that), his wife Hilde Kristin, and their sons Halvor (20), Bjarne (18) and Gjermond (16). I’ve decided to make it easier on myself and I’ll be writing something each night I’m here (or at least try to). So enjoy my Christmas experience…

Day 1- Dec. 22nd: I left this morning at about 11.15 and arrived in Skarnes at about 3 o’clock. I was greeted at the train station by Karsten, Hilde Kristin, Halvor, Gjermund and Carolina- a cousin to the boys. After some introductions we went straight to their grandmother’s house, Ruth (my Grandma’s cousin- right Grandma?). We had a midday lunch of open face sandwiches and some tea. Soon Bjarne joined us from work. We stayed and talked, well I mostly listened and tried to figure out what they were saying, until about 5.30. After that I went with all of the boys and Carolina to visit her Grandfather in his nursing home. We were there for about 30 minutes and then came back to their farm house. I get the pleasure of staying in a beautiful, huge farm house which was built in the 1870’s. So incredible! Karsten showed me a photo album of my Uncle Kirk’s trip to Norway when he was around my age and then of his own trip to Wisconsin to see my grandparents, Uncle and Mom. I enjoyed laughing at how different they looked. After that I helped Hilde Kristin make a salad and then we enjoyed a delicious fish supper. After supper, I went with the boys next door to the elementary school where they are helping build/ maintain and ice rink. So we scraped off the snow and then used water from the school to put a fresh layer down. Halvor and Gjermund showed me around the school and then we headed back home. The rest of the night was spent chatting and then it was off to bed!

Day 2- Dec. 23rd: This morning Henning, a relative whom I’ve heard a lot about, and his friend, Hanna, came to have breakfast and meet me. Henning doesn’t speak any English so we relied on others to translate for us and I realized I really don’t know that much Norwegian. It was really nice to meet him though and put a face to a name I’ve heard so much about and he was a very sweet man. After that, Karsten, Hilde Kristin, and Bjarne took me to a fortress in a neighboring town. The fortress was built in the 1680’s. After looking around there, we went into some of the local shops. There were very interesting because most of the things inside were made from local artists. We came back home then and Karsten showed me the goats that live here on the farm- there are about 11 of them and then we had a quick snack. Afterwards, Halvor, Gjermund, his friend Andreas and I dressed up as ‘nisse’ to go and scare their cousins. Nisse are similar to our Santa and they bring the gifts on Christmas Eve. They are little fat men that wear lots of wool, have white beards, high red socks and a Santa hat on. It’s tradition in their family (started by their Aunt Marit) for ‘nisse’ to knock on the windows of the house the night before Christmas Eve to check and see if the kids are behaving. One other difference is that the nisse or Santa brings the presents during the day of Christmas Eve. So after supper the presents have already been delivered. In so to please the nisse, they leave out some of their rice porridge at lunch time. After playing ‘nisse’ for two houses we went back to Marit’s house and I was able to meet her and her husband, as well as some friends that were visiting them. After a nice little visit, we traveled to some other neighbors’ houses to deliver some Christmas gifts. We then had some nice moose meat for supper and I helped decorate the Christmas tree a little. We finished the night by watching a Christmas special that was on TV with lots of singing and cooking on the show. Happy Christmas Eve eve!
Day 3, 4 & 5- Dec. 24th, 25th & 26th: So I’ve been pretty busy with so many wonderful things! I’ll start with Christmas Eve. It was nice to be able to sleep in pretty late. The main festivities didn’t start until the night, but some traditions started early- like their lunch meal. On Christmas Eve for lunch, they always a special meal of rice porridge. They also hide an almond sliver one of the bowls of porridge and whoever gets it, gets a present, which is usually a marzipan pig,  but this time it was a box of chocolates. Hilde Kristin got it this time around. It is also tradition to put a bowl of the porridge out for the ‘nisse’ in the barn. So after lunch Bjarne took me out and showed me around all of their different buildings and we put the porridge out. Afterwards, he gave me a ride in the tractor and even taught me how to drive a little! We then went and visited their neighbors/cousins for a little bit. After coming back we got dressed up and ready for our big Christmas Eve dinner. Gulbrand (Karsten’s brother) and his girlfriend- Devi- and their new baby- Christian (only 1 ½ months old!), Ruth (Karsten’s mother and my Grandma’s cousin), Marit (Karsten’s sister) and her husband Helge all came for dinner. We had their traditional dinner called ‘ribe’ which is pork ribs cooked in a very special way. There were also sausages, moose meatballs, sauerkraut, and potatoes. For dessert we had rice cream, which is made from the leftover rice porridge and you add cream to it and then some raspberry sauce. Everything was so delicious! To drink we had some homemade Christmas beer- which is pretty common, because every house I went to served us homemade Christmas beer. After supper, it is an old traditional Norwegian costume to sing a few Christmas songs around the Christmas tree. We then opened up our gifts. I was so lucky and my parents had sent me a package, so I was able to open up some presents from my parents, but I was even more lucky because my Norwegian family had gotten me some gifts as well- some jewelry, a Norwegian cookbook and some wonderful wool slippers, along with some other things. After presents we finished the night with some coffee/tea and some Christmas cookies. On Christmas Day, I discovered I must have been a very good girl this year, because I woke up to a stocking on my door! Santa even found me way over here in Norway! Thanks Santa! We all headed to church later that morning. I was surprised at how empty the church was, but it was still nice to be able to go to church on Christmas. Afterwards I went with the boys and Carolina to visit their cousin, Torstien, his wife and their children. They have 2 boys- Olav is 5 and is Halvor’s godson and Martin is 1 ½ and is Bjarne’s godson. Olav was teaching us how to play his new Mario game on Wii and it was so funny how concentrated he was. When we came home, we had a quick lunch and then went over to the school and the boys taught me how to skate/play hockey. Let’s just say I’m not planning on joining the NHL anytime soon. But it was so nice because the boys were so patient with me and invited me to play in their game, but to save myself from much embarrassment, I let them play against each other. Andreas, one of their neighbors, had come so the teams were even. And after watching them play, I definitely made the right decision of sitting out- they were way too good. After a couple games we came back home for dinner, which was rokfisk. It’s raw trout fish that you put on lefse with some vegetables and sour cream. After supper I had the opportunity to skype with my family back home. I was able to introduce my mom, my dad (I still can’t believe you have a beard!!), Grandma, Papa, Kevin and Erik to all of Karsten’s family. It was really nice to be able to see them on Christmas. The boys, Andreas, and I finished the night with a game of Monopoly- European edition, and I was declared the winner, or at least that was what I was told when we decided to stop (because who really can sit that long to finish an entire game of monopoly?). On the 26th, I got up early and they taught me how to cross country ski. Before this I had only been skiing once before (When Angela came to visit me in Olso), so let’s just say I was not nearly as coordinated as they were. And after falling twice, I learned I cannot talk and ski at the same time. I started the trip with Hilde Krisin, Gjermund, and their family dog- Sara, and about half way through we ran into Halvor and a teammate from his ski team and Bjarne and his friend. We had a short break with some nice snacks and a hot drink. Then Gjermund joined the rest of the boys and I finished with Hilde Kristin. The boys have a ski competition tomorrow, so they had to train up a little bit and I was going way too slow for Gjermund! We came back home and had a small snack and then showered up and got changed. At around 2 o’clock we headed over to Marit and Helge’s house for dinner. There I met Ragnhild and two of her daughters- Cecelia and Kristine and we were also joined by Carolina and her brother Christopher and their parents, Ruth and all of us. For supper we had so many different types of fish salads to put on top of bread along with many different types of potatoes and other things. For dessert we had some more cookies, another type of rice cream and a caramel pudding/ crème brule type thing. Again I ate way too much. It was really nice to talk with Cecilia and Kristin, Cecilia is 21 and Kristin is 14 (I think). I was able to stay at Marit’s most of the night and talk with them and we watched Alice in Wonderland on TV, while the boys went home to prepare their skis for their competition. At around 11.30, they dropped me off back at the house and then I headed to bed! Here’s a picture of some of the people who were there tonight!

Day 6- Dec. 27th (My birthday!): Today I was awoken with a wonderful surprise- breakfast in bed! My first time ever being woken up with breakfast in bed and it was wonderful. At around 8.30 there was a knock on my bedroom door and in came Karsten, Hilde Kristin, Bjarne and Gjermund all singing happy birthday to me, with a nice tray of breakfast food and a few more presents for me from my parents and from them. Halvor had already left for their competition, so I was not able to say goodbye to him, but he was nice enough to call me later to say goodbye. Karsten was taking Bjarne and Germund to their ski competition, so I had to say goodbye to them at that time. I then spent the rest of the morning packing up and relaxing. At around noon Hilde Kristin and I took their dog Sara for a walk down to the lake right in their back yard. The sun was shining and there was frost all on the trees, so it looked so beautiful outside. We then headed back over to Marit and Helge’s for a nice lunch. We were joined by Ragnhild, Cecelia and Krisitn, Ruth, Per, Gulbrand and Devi and their baby Christian and Gulbrand’s sons Julian (8), as well as Kristine (a cousin to the boys) and her daughter Isabel (9) and son William (6). Before we ate, they all sung happy birthday to me in Norwegian and Swedish, even gave me a couple of presents, which was so sweet. We then spend the next couple of hours eating and talking. Too soon it was time for me Hilde Kristin to take me to the train station and I had to say goodbye to everyone. It was hard to leave Skarnes because they were all so wonderful to me and took such good care of me. I felt like I was back at home, especially because the 3 boys reminded me of being with my own brothers, but it was also easy because I know when my mom comes to visit in the spring, we’ll be back to see them all again!

So now, I’m on the train back to Bø for the night to unpack and repack because I leave for next adventure to Sweden and Finland tomorrow afternoon. Not a very exciting way to celebrate my 21st birthday, but I figured I’d leave that celebration for when I’m back home in the States when it is a bigger deal that I am 21. Here, it doesn’t really matter. I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Christmas and holidays with your family. And since I won’t be back in Bø until very late on the 6th (actually very early on the 7th) I hope your New Years is also safe and happy!

As always, I’m sending all my love back home to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for helping us see little bits of your exciting life...! And a very Happy Birthday!!
    -Uncle John in Seattle
